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So I am really starting to like this Donald Sterling Character.  I think we should listen with open minds to what he has to say, a good portion of it is probably true, or at least "the what we tell our parents" truth about how race, class and Americas nefarious past plays out in the National Basketball Association. I mean is has got to be curios paradox.  On one had you're a multimillionaire your in the 92nd percentile of all earners in the U.S yet as collective group still answer to an overwhelming number of similar looking bosses and owners.  Donald Sterling is doing what Donald Sterling has probably done his whole life when put in to a corner. Fight!. He fought in the late 50's when Jews had limited opportunities, changed his given last name of Tokowitz to Sterling and bought a 26 unit apartment building in Beverly Hills.  He fought when discrimination based law suits were brought to him in 2006 and 2009. And hes going to fight the Big Black Magic Johnson!


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